From passion comes purpose

You know Those people who knew what they wanted to be when they were five? That is not my story.   

I'm Wendy. Wife, encourager, home chef.

From lining up my dolls to play teacher, to performing olympic gymnastics in the basement, to dreaming about high heels clicking on the marble floor of a corporate office building, when I was a kid I wanted to be just about everything. 

I ended up with a business degree and have since worked in many corporate offices from a hospital to an international software company and from a media network to small educational non-profit. My career has been just about as messy as my kitchen! But you know what? That's ok!  This messy thing we call life has made me who I am, and brought me to where I am today. 

In 2022 I was asked two questions that challenged my idea of a career. The first, "What food are you most passionate about." was an ice breaker at a corporate event. After thinking about it for a minute I realized my answer was more in the how than the what.

The second question was from my husband, Colin, when we were on a road trip in the fall. In short, he said "If you could do anything what would it be." and again my answer went straight back to food. I told him I'd love to teach people how to cook. 

With these two answers in mind, From Scratch Cookery was born. Now I am sharing my passion for all things kitchen and cooking through the From Scratch Cookery blog and podcast. I guess maybe I was on the right track when I lined up my dolls to play teacher all those years ago!

A few more things you should know about me ...

- I'm not a meal planner, and I'm totally ok with that
- My father-in-law calls me train wreck because I excel at making messes
- I have a thing for vintage cookbooks & recipes
- I'm always planning our next adventure/vacation
- I once dumped a quarter cup of black pepper into a casserole
- My favorite thing is sharing the limitless love of Jesus


My Testimony

It's impossible for me to talk about myself without talking about Jesus. I never imagined how he'd break me, heal me and most importantly, love me.

Read My Testimony

I didn't grow up in a hunting family. In fact, my view of hunters mirrored the Hollywood portrayal of a bunch of dumb & dangerous rednecks in camo. Outside of fishing, killing and eating an animal was unthinkable for me. But that all changed when I married a hunter. Over the last 10 years I've learned a ton about the importance of ethical hunting and using every single part of an animal. Click one of the links below to hear/read my conversation with Colin about hunting.

Why I'm pro-hunting (but never used to be)

A Total 180

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